Source code for subpixal.align

Main module that performs image alignment and WCS correction.

:Author: Mihai Cara (for help, contact `HST Help Desk <>`_)

:License: :doc:`../LICENSE`

import collections
import logging
import numbers
import copy
import tempfile

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy import wcs
from stwcs.wcsutil import HSTWCS

from drizzlepac import updatehdr
from tweakwcs import linearfit

from . import cutout
from .blot import blot_cutout
from . import cc
from .utils import parse_file_name, _create_tmp_fits_file

__all__ = ['align_images', 'find_linear_fit', 'correct_wcs',

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_ASTROPY_WCS_DISTORTIONS = ['cpdis1', 'cpdis2', 'det2im1', 'det2im2', 'sip']

_SUPPORTED_FITGEOM = ['shift', 'rscale', 'general']

def _create_tmp_reference_file(image_file):
    tmpf = None
        hdulist =

        tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
            mode='wb', suffix='.fits', prefix='tmp_refimage_', dir='./',

        if tmpf is not None:

    return tmpf

[docs]def align_images(catalog, resample, wcslin=None, fitgeom='general', nclip=3, sigma=3.0, nmax=10, eps_shift=3e-3, use_weights=True, cc_type='NCC', wcsname='SUBPIXAL', wcsupdate='batch', combine_seg_mask=True, iterative=False, history='last'): """ Perform *relative* image alignment using sub-pixel cross-correlation. Image alignment is performed by adusting each image's WCS so that images align on the sky (i.e., sources from the catalog overlap). Input image data (provided through the ``resample`` parameter) are not changed. Parameters ---------- catalog : catalogs.ImageCatalog A catalog object of `~catalogs.ImageCatalog`-derived type. This object will hold source-finding and source filtering parameters and should be able to find sources in provided images on demand. resample : resample.Resample An object of `resample.Resample`-derived type that can resample its images onto a common output grid. wcslin : astropy.wcs.WCS, None, optional A `~astropy.wcs.WCS` object that does not have non-linear distortions. This WCS defines a tangen plane in which image alignemnt will be performed. When not provided or set to `None`, it is set to ``drz_cutouts[0].wcs``. fitgeom : {'shift', 'rscale', 'general'}, optional The fitting geometry to be used in fitting cutout displacements. This parameter is used in fitting the offsets, rotations and/or scale changes from the matched object lists. The 'general' fit geometry allows for independent scale and rotation for each axis. nclip : int, optional Number (a non-negative integer) of clipping iterations in fit. sigma : float, optional Clipping limit in sigma units. nmax : int, tuple of two int, optional A positive integer number indicating the number of resample-alignment iterations to be performed. After detecting that resampled images do not change significantly, the algorithm will automatically switch to a faster resampling :py:meth:`~resample.Resample.fast_add_image` and :py:meth:`~resample.Resample.fast_drop_image` methods instead of performing "full" resample that includes sky re-computation, cosmic ray detection, etc. When ``nmax`` is a tuple of integers, first number indicates the maximum number of iterations to be performed and the second number indicates the maximum number of iterations with "full" resample to be performed. eps_shift : float, optional The algorithm will stop iterations when found shifts are below ``eps_shift`` value for all images. use_weights : bool, optional Indicates whether to perform a weighted fit when catalog contains a ``'weights'`` column. cc_type : {'CC', 'NCC', 'ZNCC'}, optional Cross-correlation algorithm to be used. ``'CC'`` indicates the "standard" cross-correlation algorithm. ``'NCC'`` refers to the normalized cross-correlation and ``'ZNCC'`` refers to the zero-normalized cross-correlation, see, e.g., `Terminology in image processing \ <\ Terminology_in_image_processing>`_. wcsname : str, None, optional Label to give newly updated WCS. The default value will set the WCS name to `SUBPIXAL`. wcsupdate : {'otf', 'batch'}, optional Indicates when to update the WCS of an image: on-the-fly (`'otf'`) setting will update image WCS as soon as the image was aligned while the `'batch'` mode will first compute WCS corrections for all images and *then* will update their WCS at once. With `'otf'` setting, next image (within the same iteration) will be aligned to a drizzled image obtained using (at least some) already aligned (in this iteration) images. combine_seg_mask: bool, optional Indicates whether to combine segmanetation mask with cutout's mask. When `True`, segmentation image is used to create a mask that indicates "good" pixels in the image. This mask is combined with cutout's mask. iterative : bool, optional If `True`, after each iteration user will be asked whether to continue or stop alignment process. history : {'all', 'last', None} On return this function returns "fit history" containing information that can be used to analyze the goodness of fit. When ``history`` is ``'all'``, then info from each iteration is saved. When ``history`` is ``'last'`` only info for the last iteration is saved, and when ``history`` is `None`, no informationn is saved. Returns ------- fit_history : list of dict A list of Python dictionaries containing fit information as well as "image" information such as image cutouts, blots, cross-correlation image, etc. """ if history not in [None, 'last', 'all']: raise ValueError("Parameter 'history' must be either None, 'all', or " "'last'.") if fitgeom.lower() not in _SUPPORTED_FITGEOM: raise ValueError("'fitgeom' must be either '{:s}', or '{:s}'" .format('\', \''.join(_SUPPORTED_FITGEOM[:-1]), _SUPPORTED_FITGEOM[-1])) if isinstance(nmax, (tuple, list)): if (len(nmax) != 2 or (not isinstance(nmax[0], numbers.Integral) or nmax[0] < 1) or (not isinstance(nmax[1], numbers.Integral) or nmax[1] < 1)): raise ValueError("Parameter 'nmax' must be a positive integer or " "a tuple of two positive integers.") nmax_iter, nmax_fr = nmax # nmax_fr <- nmax of full resamples if nmax_fr > nmax_iter: raise ValueError("Number of \"full\" resamples cannot be " "larger than the total number of iterations.") else: if (not isinstance(nmax, numbers.Integral) or nmax < 1): raise ValueError("Parameter 'nmax' must be a positive integer or " "a tuple of two positive integers.") nmax_iter = nmax nmax_fr = None # maximum number of full resamples if not isinstance(eps_shift, numbers.Real) or eps_shift <= 0.0: raise ValueError("Parameter 'eps_shift' must be a positive number.") if not isinstance(wcsupdate, str): raise TypeError("'wcsupdate' must be a string.") wcsupdate = wcsupdate.lower().strip() if wcsupdate == 'batch': batch_update = True elif wcsupdate == 'otf': batch_update = False else: raise ValueError("Parameter 'wcsupdate' must be either 'otf' or " "'batch'.") nfr = 0 # number of full resamples achieved_desired_eps = False resample = copy.deepcopy(resample) # avoid changing input objects tmp_ref = None # record-keeping fit_history = [] summary = [] for k in range(nmax_iter): iterno = k + 1 if history: run_info = { 'iteration': iterno, 'full_resample': False, # Complete drizzle with median, CR, # skysub, etc. 'finfo': [] # file-specific alignment info } print("\n==============\nITERATION #{:d}\n==============\n" .format(iterno)) if nfr == 0 or nmax_fr is None or nfr < nmax_fr: resample.execute() if history: run_info['full_resample'] = True if nfr == 0: # fix reference image if not provided (only first time): refim = resample.reference_image if refim is None or (isinstance(refim, str) and not refim.strip()): computed_sky = resample.computed_sky tmp_ref = _create_tmp_fits_file( parse_file_name(resample.output_sci)[0], prefix='tmp_refimage_' ) resample.reference_image = resample.computed_sky = computed_sky elif nmax_fr is None and nfr > 0: # see if we need other "full" (with CR-detection, # sky subtraction, etc.) resample steps: fsci_name = parse_file_name(resample.output_sci)[0] fdata = fits.getdata(fsci_name) qsci_name = parse_file_name(qresample.output_sci)[0] qdata = fits.getdata(qsci_name) fi = np.finfo(fdata.dtype) if np.allclose(qdata, fdata, rtol=2.0 * fi.eps, atol=10.0 * fi.tiny, equal_nan=True): nmax_fr = nfr nfr += 1 qresample = copy.deepcopy(resample) # find sources in the drizzled image: catalog.set_image(resample.output_sci) sources = catalog.catalog print("\nCATALOG LENGTH: {:d}".format(len(catalog.catalog))) # get segmentation image: seg = catalog.get_segmentation_image() # align: shift_corr = [] add_file_name = None fit_summary = [] if batch_update: wcs_update_info = [] if resample.output_crclean is None: output_crclean = len(resample.input_image_names) * [None] else: output_crclean = resample.output_crclean for crclean_image, (imfile, exts) in zip(output_crclean, resample.input_image_names): msg = "* Aligning image \"{:s}{}\" *".format(imfile, exts) print("\n{0:s}\n{1:s}\n{0:s}\n".format(len(msg) * '*', msg)) image_sky = resample.computed_sky[imfile] qresample.fast_replace_image(drop_file_name=imfile, add_file_name=add_file_name) add_file_name = imfile # see if we can create a "DQ"-like mask for drizzled image: whtdq = None if qresample.output_wht is not None: fn, ext = parse_file_name(qresample.output_wht) with as h: whtdq = np.equal(h[ext].data, 0.0).astype( fn, ext = parse_file_name(qresample.output_sci) with as h: drz_wcs = wcs.WCS(h[ext], h) drz_exptime = h[0].header['EXPTIME'] drz_units = h[ext].header['BUNIT'] drz_data = h[ext].data prim_cutouts = cutout.create_primary_cutouts( sources, seg, drz_data, drz_wcs, imdq=whtdq, data_units=('rate' if '/' in drz_units else 'counts'), exptime=drz_exptime ) fit, img_info = _align_1image( qresample, imfile if crclean_image is None else crclean_image, image_ext=exts, primary_cutouts=prim_cutouts, image_sky=image_sky, seg=seg, nclip=nclip, sigma=sigma, fitgeom=fitgeom, use_weights=use_weights, cc_type=cc_type, combine_seg_mask=combine_seg_mask ) fit_summary.append( (imfile, fit['resids'].shape[0], fit['rmse'], fit['mae'], fit['irmse'], fit['offset'], fit['rot'], fit['rotxy'], fit['scale']) ) if history: run_info['finfo'].append( {'image': imfile, 'fit_info': fit, 'image_info': img_info} ) shift_corr.append(np.linalg.norm(fit['offset'])) if batch_update: wcs_update_info.append( (imfile, crclean_image, [(e, w) for e, _, w in img_info['wcs_info']]) ) # update WCS in image headers: if not batch_update: # update image's WCS right away. The new WCS will be used to # generate drizzled image for the next image: with, mode='update') as h: for e, _, new_wcs in img_info['wcs_info']: print("\nUpdating with new WCS:\n{}".format(new_wcs)) update_image_wcs(h, e, new_wcs, wcsname=wcsname) if crclean_image is not None: with, mode='update') as h: for e, _, new_wcs in img_info['wcs_info']: update_image_wcs(h, e, new_wcs, wcsname=wcsname) # update WCS in image headers: if batch_update: # update WCS of all images all at once: for imfile, crclean_image, wcs_info in wcs_update_info: with, mode='update') as h: for e, new_wcs in wcs_info: print("\nUpdating with new WCS:\n{}".format(new_wcs)) update_image_wcs(h, e, new_wcs, wcsname=wcsname) if crclean_image is not None: with, mode='update') as h: for e, new_wcs in wcs_info: update_image_wcs(h, e, new_wcs, wcsname=wcsname) summary.append((iterno, fit_summary)) if history == 'all': fit_history.append(run_info) elif history == 'last': fit_history = [run_info] if max(shift_corr) < eps_shift: achieved_desired_eps = True break if nmax_fr is None: # or nfr >= nmax_fr: qresample.fast_replace_image(drop_file_name=None, add_file_name=add_file_name) if nmax_fr is None: # see if we need other "full" (with CR-detection, sky subtraction, # etc.) resample steps: qsci_name = parse_file_name(qresample.output_sci)[0] qdata = fits.getdata(qsci_name) if iterative: s = input("Do you want to continue? (y/n)\n") if s.upper().startswith('N'): break if achieved_desired_eps: print("\nDesired alignment accuracy has been achieved after {:d} iterations.".format(iterno)) else: print("\nThe iterative alignment process has been stopped\n" "after reaching maximum number of iterations.") # print a summary of fh = open('fit_summary.txt', 'a+') fh.write("\n#################\n## SUMMARY ##\n#################\n\n") print("\n#################\n## SUMMARY ##\n#################\n") for imno in range(len(resample.input_image_names)): line = "\n-------------------------\nFILE NAME: {}\n\n" \ .format(resample.input_image_names[imno][0]) print(line) fh.write(line + '\n') for k, fi in summary: (imfile, nmatch, rmse, mae, irmse, offset, rot, rotxy, scale) = fi[imno] line = ("{:2d}: nsrc={:3d}, rmse={:5.2g}, mae={:5.2g}, " "irmse={:5.2g}, dx={:8.4f}, dy={:8.4f}, rot={:8.5f}, " "sx-1={:10.3g}, sy-1={:10.3g}" .format(k, nmatch, rmse, mae, irmse, offset[0], offset[1], rot, scale[0] - 1, scale[1] - 1)) print(line) fh.write(line + '\n') fh.close() return fit_history
def _align_1image(resample, image, image_ext, primary_cutouts, seg, image_sky=None, wcslin=None, fitgeom='general', nclip=3, sigma=3.0, use_weights=True, cc_type='NCC', combine_seg_mask=True): img_info = { 'file_name': image, 'wcs_info': [], # a list of: [extension, original WCS, corrected WCS] 'fits_ext': [], # image ext. from which an image cutout was extracted 'image_cutouts': [], 'driz_cutouts': [], 'blotted_cutouts': [], # non-shifted blot images of drizzled cutouts 'ICC': [] # interlaced (oversampled) cross-correlation images } drz_sci_fname, drz_sci_ext = parse_file_name(resample.output_sci) with as hdulist: drz_sci = hdulist[drz_sci_ext].data drz_wcs = HSTWCS(hdulist, ext=drz_sci_ext) if 'EXPTIME' in hdulist[drz_sci_ext].header: drz_exptime = hdulist[drz_sci_ext].header['EXPTIME'] else: drz_exptime = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] drz_units = hdulist[drz_sci_ext].header['BUNIT'] drz_units = 'rate' if '/' in drz_units else 'counts' # get image data, info and create cutouts: with as hdulist: for ext in image_ext: img_sci = hdulist[ext].data img_wcs = HSTWCS(hdulist, ext=ext) orig_img_wcs = img_wcs.deepcopy() img_exptime = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] img_units = hdulist[ext].header['BUNIT'] img_units = 'rate' if '/' in img_units else 'counts' if image_sky is not None and image_sky[ext] is not None: img_sci -= image_sky[ext] imgct_ext, drzct_ext = cutout.create_cutouts( primary_cutouts, seg, drz_sci, drz_wcs, img_sci, img_wcs, drz_data_units=drz_units, drz_exptime=drz_exptime, flt_data_units=img_units, flt_exptime=img_exptime, combine_seg_mask=combine_seg_mask ) img_info['wcs_info'].append([ext, orig_img_wcs, img_wcs]) img_info['fits_ext'].extend(len(imgct_ext) * [ext]) img_info['image_cutouts'].extend(imgct_ext) img_info['driz_cutouts'].extend(drzct_ext) # find linear fit: fit, interlaced_cc, nonshifted_blts = find_linear_fit( img_cutouts=imgct_ext, drz_cutouts=drzct_ext, wcslin=wcslin, fitgeom=fitgeom, nclip=nclip, sigma=sigma, use_weights=use_weights, cc_type=cc_type ) img_info['blotted_cutouts'].extend(nonshifted_blts) img_info['ICC'].extend(interlaced_cc) print("\nComputed '{:s}' fit for image {:s}:".format(fitgeom, image)) if fitgeom == 'shift': print("XSH: {:.4f} YSH: {:.4f}" .format(fit['offset'][0], fit['offset'][1])) elif fitgeom == 'rscale' and fit['proper']: print("XSH: {:.4f} YSH: {:.4f} ROT: {:.10g} SCALE: {:.6f}" .format(fit['offset'][0], fit['offset'][1], fit['rot'], fit['scale'][0])) elif (fitgeom == 'general' or (fitgeom == 'rscale' and not fit['proper'])): print("XSH: {:.4f} YSH: {:.4f} PROPER ROT: {:.10g} " .format(fit['offset'][0], fit['offset'][1], fit['rot'])) print("<ROT>: {:.10g} SKEW: {:.10g} ROT_X: {:.10g} " "ROT_Y: {:.10g}".format(fit['rotxy'][2], fit['skew'], fit['rotxy'][0], fit['rotxy'][1])) print("<SCALE>: {:.10g} SCALE_X: {:.10g} SCALE_Y: {:.10g}" .format(fit['scale'][0], fit['scale'][1], fit['scale'][2])) print('FIT RMSE: {:.3g} FIT MAE: {:.3g} IMAGE FIT RMSE: {:.3g}\n' .format(fit['rmse'], fit['mae'], fit['irmse'])) nmatch = fit['resids'].shape[0] print('Final solution based on {:d} objects.'.format(nmatch)) # correct WCS: for ext, owcs, wcs in img_info['wcs_info']: correct_wcs(imwcs=wcs, wcslin=drz_wcs, rotmat=fit['matrix'], shifts=fit['offset'], fitgeom=fitgeom) print("\n------- ORIGINAL WCS for '{:s}[{}]': ------" .format(image, ext)) print(owcs) print("\n------- CORRECTED WCS for '{:s}[{}]': ------" .format(image, ext)) print(wcs) return fit, img_info
[docs]def find_linear_fit(img_cutouts, drz_cutouts, wcslin=None, fitgeom='general', nclip=3, sigma=3.0, use_weights=True, cc_type='NCC'): """ Perform linear fit to diplacements (found using cross-correlation) between ``img_cutouts`` and "blot" of ``drz_cutouts`` onto ``img_cutouts``. Parameters ---------- img_cutouts : Cutout Cutouts whose WCS should be aligned. drz_cutouts : Cutout Cutouts that serve as "reference" to which ``img_cutouts`` will be aligned. wcslin : astropy.wcs.WCS, None, optional A `~astropy.wcs.WCS` object that does not have non-linear distortions. This WCS defines a tangen plane in which image alignemnt will be performed. When not provided or set to `None`, internally ``wcslin`` will be set to ``drz_cutouts[0].wcs``. fitgeom : {'shift', 'rscale', 'general'}, optional The fitting geometry to be used in fitting cutout displacements. This parameter is used in fitting the offsets, rotations and/or scale changes from the matched object lists. The 'general' fit geometry allows for independent scale and rotation for each axis. nclip : int, optional Number (a non-negative integer) of clipping iterations in fit. sigma : float, optional Clipping limit in sigma units. use_weights : bool, optional Indicates whether to perform a weighted fit when all input ``drz_cutouts.src_weight`` are not `None`. cc_type : {'CC', 'NCC', 'ZNCC'}, optional Cross-correlation algorithm to be used. ``'CC'`` indicates the "standard" cross-correlation algorithm. ``'NCC'`` refers to the normalized cross-correlation and ``'ZNCC'`` refers to the zero-normalized cross-correlation, see, e.g., `Terminology in image processing \ <\ Terminology_in_image_processing>`_. Returns ------- fit : dict A dictionary of various fit parameters computed during the fit. Use ``fit.keys()`` to find which parameters are being returned. interlaced_cc : numpy.ndarray Interlaced (super-sampled) cross-correlation image. This is provided as a diagnostic tool for debugging purposes. nonshifted_blts : Cutout A list of cutouts of blotted ``drz_cutouts`` without applying any sub-pixel shifts. This is provided as a diagnostic tool for debugging purposes. """ # check that number of drizzled and FLT cutouts match: if not isinstance(img_cutouts, collections.Iterable): img_cutouts = [img_cutouts] if not isinstance(drz_cutouts, collections.Iterable): drz_cutouts = [drz_cutouts] if len(img_cutouts) != len(drz_cutouts): raise ValueError("The number of image cutouts must match the number " "of drizzled cutouts.") # choose a tangent plane WCS if not provided: if wcslin is None: # get wcs from the first drzizzled cutout: wcslin = drz_cutouts[0].wcs wcslin = wcslin.deepcopy() # check if reference WCS is distorted: if any(getattr(wcslin, distortion) is not None for distortion in _ASTROPY_WCS_DISTORTIONS): raise ValueError("Reference WCS must not have non-linear distortions.") npts = len(img_cutouts) xyim = np.empty((npts, 2), dtype=np.float) xyref = np.empty_like(xyim) img_dxy = np.empty_like(xyim) ref_dxy = np.empty_like(xyim) interlaced_cc = [] nonshifted_blts = [] # create shifted FLT cutouts: for k, (imct, dzct) in enumerate(zip(img_cutouts, drz_cutouts)): # store intitial image cutout displacements: dx0 = imct.dx dy0 = imct.dy[dzct.mask] = 0 # blot to initial image cutout: blt00 = blot_cutout(dzct, imct) # blot to a shifted image cutout by 1/2 along X: imct.dx -= 0.5 blt10 = blot_cutout(dzct, imct) # blot to a shifted image cutout by 1/2 along X and Y: imct.dy -= 0.5 blt11 = blot_cutout(dzct, imct) # blot to a shifted image cutout by 1/2 along Y: imct.dx = dx0 blt01 = blot_cutout(dzct, imct) # restore original image cutout's displacement: imct.dy = dy0 # find cross-correlation shift in image's coordinate system: dx, dy, icc, _ = cc.find_displacement(,,,,, cc_type=cc_type, full_output=True ) interlaced_cc.append(icc) nonshifted_blts.append(blt00) img_dxy[k] = [dx, dy] # convert displacements to reference linear WCS's image coordinates: x1, y1 = imct.cutout_src_pos xyim[k] = np.array(wcslin.wcs_world2pix(*imct.pix2world(x1, y1), 1)) x2 = x1 + dx y2 = y1 + dy xyref[k] = np.array(wcslin.wcs_world2pix(*imct.pix2world(x2, y2), 1)) ref_dxy[k] = xyim[k] - xyref[k] # create a list of weights (if available). We do this only for the # cutouts from drizzled image because image cutouts have identical weights. if use_weights: weights = [ct.src_weight for ct in drz_cutouts] if all(w is None for w in weights): weights = None elif any(w is None for w in weights): raise ValueError("Not all cutouts have weights set. All cutouts " "must either have non-negative weights or be " "None.") elif any(w < 0 for w in weights): raise ValueError("Weights must be non-negative.") else: weights = np.asarray(weights) else: weights = None # find linear transformation: fit = linearfit.iter_linear_fit( xyim, xyref, wxy=None, wuv=weights, fitgeom=fitgeom, center=np.array(wcslin.wcs.crpix), nclip=nclip, sigma=sigma ) fit['subpixal_img_dxy'] = img_dxy fit['subpixal_ref_dxy'] = ref_dxy # Compute fit RMSE in the *image* coordinate system: if weights is None: fit['irmse'] = np.sqrt(2 * np.mean(img_dxy[fit['fitmask']]**2)) else: npts = len(weights) wt = np.sum(weights) if npts == 0 or wt == 0.0: fit['irmse'] = float('nan') else: w = weights / wt fit['irmse'] = float( np.sqrt(np.sum([fit['fitmask']], img_dxy[fit['fitmask']]**2))) ) return fit, interlaced_cc, nonshifted_blts
[docs]def correct_wcs(imwcs, wcslin, rotmat, shifts, fitgeom): """ Correct input WCS using supplied linear transformations defined in a linear WCS. This function modifies ``imwcs`` with the corrected WCS parameters. """ updatehdr.update_refchip_with_shift( imwcs, wcslin, fitgeom=fitgeom, xsh=shifts[0], ysh=shifts[1], fit=rotmat )
[docs]def update_image_wcs(image, ext, wcs, wcsname=None): """ Updates the WCS of the specified extension with the new WCS after archiving the original WCS. Parameters ---------- image : str, Filename of image with WCS that needs to be updated ext : int, str or tuple of (string, int) The key identifying the HDU. If ``ext`` is a tuple, it is of the form ``(name, ver)`` where ``ver`` is an ``EXTVER`` value that must match the HDU being searched for. If the key is ambiguous (e.g. there are multiple 'SCI' extensions) the first match is returned. For a more precise match use the ``(name, ver)`` pair. If even the ``(name, ver)`` pair is ambiguous (it shouldn't be but it's not impossible) the numeric index must be used to index the duplicate HDU. wcs : object Full HSTWCS object which will replace/update the existing WCS wcsname : str, None, optional Label to give newly updated WCS. The default value will set the WCS name to `SUBPIXAL`. """ close = False try: if not isinstance(image, fits.HDUList): image =, mode='update') close = True extnum = image.index_of(ext) if wcsname is None or wcsname.strip().upper() in ['', 'NONE', 'INDEF']: wcsname = 'SUBPIXAL' updatehdr.update_wcs(image, extnum, wcs, wcsname=wcsname, reusename=True, verbose=False) except: raise finally: if close: image.close()