Source code for subpixal.centroid

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Utilities for finding peak in an image.

:Author: Mihai Cara (for help, contact `HST Help Desk <>`_)

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import numpy as np
from .utils import py2round

from . import __version__, __version_date__

__all__ = ['find_peak']

[docs]def find_peak(image_data, xmax=None, ymax=None, peak_fit_box=5, peak_search_box=None, mask=None): """ Find location of the peak in an array. This is done by fitting a second degree 2D polynomial to the data within a `peak_fit_box` and computing the location of its maximum. When `xmax` and `ymax` are both `None`, an initial estimate of the position of the maximum will be performed by searching for the location of the pixel/array element with the maximum value. This kind of initial brute-force search can be performed even when `xmax` and `ymax` are provided but when one suspects that these input coordinates may not be very accurate by specifying an expanded brute-force search box through parameter `peak_search_box`. Parameters ---------- image_data : numpy.ndarray Image data. xmax : float, None, optional Initial guess of the x-coordinate of the peak. When both `xmax` and `ymax` are `None`, the initial (pre-fit) estimate of the location of the peak will be obtained by a brute-force search for the location of the maximum-value pixel in the *entire* `image_data` array, regardless of the value of ``peak_search_box`` parameter. ymax : float, None, optional Initial guess of the x-coordinate of the peak. When both `xmax` and `ymax` are `None`, the initial (pre-fit) estimate of the location of the peak will be obtained by a brute-force search for the location of the maximum-value pixel in the *entire* `image_data` array, regardless of the value of ``peak_search_box`` parameter. peak_fit_box : int, tuple of int, optional Size (in pixels) of the box around the input estimate of the maximum (given by ``xmax`` and ``ymax``) to be used for quadratic fitting from which peak location is computed. If a single integer number is provided, then it is assumed that fitting box is a square with sides of length given by ``peak_fit_box``. If a tuple of two values is provided, then first value indicates the width of the box and the second value indicates the height of the box. peak_search_box : str {'all', 'off', 'fitbox'}, int, tuple of int, None,\ optional Size (in pixels) of the box around the input estimate of the maximum (given by ``xmax`` and ``ymax``) to be used for brute-force search of the maximum value pixel. This search is performed before quadratic fitting in order to improve the original estimate of the peak given by input ``xmax`` and ``ymax``. If a single integer number is provided, then it is assumed that search box is a square with sides of length given by ``peak_fit_box``. If a tuple of two values is provided, then first value indicates the width of the box and the second value indicates the height of the box. ``'off'`` or `None` turns off brute-force search of the maximum. When ``peak_search_box`` is ``'all'`` then the entire ``image_data`` data array is searched for maximum and when it is set to ``'fitbox'`` then the brute-force search is performed in the same box as ``peak_fit_box``. .. note:: This parameter is ignored when both `xmax` and `ymax` are `None` since in that case the brute-force search for the maximum is performed in the entire input array. mask : numpy.ndarray, optional A boolean type `~numpy.ndarray` indicating "good" pixels in image data (`True`) and "bad" pixels (`False`). If not provided all pixels in `image_data` will be used for fitting. Returns ------- coord : tuple of float A pair of coordinates of the peak. """ # check arguments: if ((xmax is None and ymax is not None) or (ymax is None and xmax is not None)): raise ValueError("Both 'xmax' and 'ymax' must be either None or not " "None") image_data = np.asarray(image_data, dtype=np.float64) ny, nx = image_data.shape # process peak search box: if peak_search_box == 'fitbox': peak_search_box = peak_fit_box elif peak_search_box == 'off': peak_search_box = None elif peak_search_box == 'all': peak_search_box = image_data.shape if xmax is None: # find index of the pixel having maximum value: if mask is None: jmax, imax = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(image_data), image_data.shape) coord = (float(imax), float(jmax)) else: j, i = np.indices(image_data.shape) i = i[mask] j = j[mask] ind = np.argmax(image_data[mask]) imax = i[ind] jmax = j[ind] coord = (float(imax), float(jmax)) auto_expand_search = False # we have already searched the data else: imax = int(py2round(xmax)) jmax = int(py2round(ymax)) coord = (xmax, ymax) if peak_search_box is not None: sbx, sby = _process_box_pars(peak_search_box) # choose a box around maxval pixel: x1 = max(0, imax - sbx // 2) x2 = min(nx, x1 + sbx) y1 = max(0, jmax - sby // 2) y2 = min(ny, y1 + sby) if x1 < x2 and y1 < y2: search_cutout = image_data[y1:y2, x1:x2] jmax, imax = np.unravel_index( np.argmax(search_cutout), search_cutout.shape ) imax += x1 jmax += y1 coord = (float(imax), float(jmax)) auto_expand_search = (sbx != nx or sby != ny) else: auto_expand_search = False wx, wy = _process_box_pars(peak_fit_box) if wx * wy < 6: # we need at least 6 points to fit a 2D quadratic polynomial return coord # choose a box around maxval pixel: x1 = max(0, imax - wx // 2) x2 = min(nx, x1 + wx) y1 = max(0, jmax - wy // 2) y2 = min(ny, y1 + wy) # if peak is at the edge of the box, return integer indices of the max: if imax == x1 or imax == x2 or jmax == y1 or jmax == y2: return (float(imax), float(jmax)) # expand the box if needed: if (x2 - x1) < wx: if x1 == 0: x2 = min(nx, x1 + wx) if x2 == nx: x1 = max(0, x2 - wx) if (y2 - y1) < wy: if y1 == 0: y2 = min(ny, y1 + wy) if y2 == ny: y1 = max(0, y2 - wy) if (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) < 6: # we need at least 6 points to fit a 2D quadratic polynomial return coord # fit a 2D 2nd degree polynomial to data: xi = np.arange(x1, x2) yi = np.arange(y1, y2) x, y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) x = x.ravel() y = y.ravel() v = np.vstack((np.ones_like(x), x, y, x*y, x*x, y*y)).T d = image_data[y1:y2, x1:x2].ravel() if mask is not None: m = mask[y1:y2, x1:x2].ravel() v = v[m] d = d[m] if d.size < 6: # we need at least 6 points to fit a 2D quadratic polynomial return coord try: c = np.linalg.lstsq(v, d, rcond=None)[0] except np.linalg.LinAlgError: print("WARNING: Least squares failed!\n{}".format(c)) if auto_expand_search: return find_peak(image_data, xmax=None, ymax=None, peak_fit_box=(wx, wy), mask=mask) else: return coord # find maximum of the polynomial: _, c10, c01, c11, c20, c02 = c d = 4 * c02 * c20 - c11**2 if d <= 0 or ((c20 > 0.0 and c02 >= 0.0) or (c20 >= 0.0 and c02 > 0.0)): # polynomial is does not have max. return middle of the window: if auto_expand_search: return find_peak(image_data, xmax=None, ymax=None, peak_fit_box=(wx, wy), mask=mask) else: return ((x1 + x2) / 2.0, (y1 + y2) / 2.0) xm = (c01 * c11 - 2.0 * c02 * c10) / d ym = (c10 * c11 - 2.0 * c01 * c20) / d if xm > 0.0 and xm < (nx - 1.0) and ym > 0.0 and ym < (ny - 1.0): coord = (xm, ym) elif auto_expand_search: coord = find_peak(image_data, xmax=None, ymax=None, peak_fit_box=(wx, wy), mask=mask) return coord
def _process_box_pars(par): if hasattr(par, '__iter__'): if len(par) != 2: raise TypeError("Box specification must be either a scalar or " "an iterable with two elements.") wx = int(par[0]) wy = int(par[1]) else: wx = int(par) wy = int(par) if wx < 1 or wy < 1: raise ValueError("Box dimensions must be positive integer numbers.") return (wx, wy)