Source code for subpixal.resample

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
A module that manages resampling of images onto a common output frame
and also "inverse" blotting.

:Author: Mihai Cara (for help, contact `HST Help Desk <>`_)

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import sys
import os
import abc
import copy
import collections
import tempfile

from import fits

from import teal, logutil, textutil, cfgpars, fileutil
from drizzlepac import (adrizzle, ablot, createMedian, drizCR, mdzhandler,
                        processInput, sky, staticMask, util, wcs_functions,
                        __version__ as _drz_version,
                        __version_date__ as _drz_vdate)
import stwcs

from . import __version__, __version_date__

log = logutil.create_logger(__name__, level=logutil.logging.NOTSET)

__all__ = ['Resample', 'Drizzle']

[docs]class Resample(abc.ABC): """ An abstract class providing interface for resampling and combining sets of images onto a rectified frame. """ def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs): self._config = copy.deepcopy(config) self._output_sci_data = None self._output_wht_data = None self._output_ctx_data = None self._output_crclean = None self._input_file_names = collections.OrderedDict() self._reference_image = None self._computed_sky = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_config_parameters(self, **kwargs): """ Override individual configuration parameters. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self): """ Run resampling algorithm. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fast_drop_image(self, drop_file_name): """ Re-calculate resampled image using all input images other than the one specified by ``drop_file_name``. Parameters ---------- drop_file_name : str File name of the image to be dropped from the list of input images when re-calculating the resampled image. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fast_add_image(self, add_file_name): """ Re-calculate resampled image using all input images and adding another image to the list of input images specified by the ``add_file_name`` parameter. Parameters ---------- add_file_name : str File name of the image to be added to the input image list when re-calculating the resampled image. """ pass
@property def output_sci(self): """ Get output file name for output science image or `None`. """ return self._output_sci_data @property def output_wht(self): """ Get output file name for output weight image or `None`. """ return self._output_wht_data @property def output_ctx(self): """ Get output file name for context data file or `None`. """ return self._output_ctx_data @property def output_crclean(self): """ Get file names of the Cosmic Ray (CR) cleaned images (if any). """ return self._output_crclean @property def input_image_names(self): """ Get an `OrderedDict` of input file names and image extensions or `None`. """ return list(self._input_file_names.items()) @property def reference_image(self): """ Get/Set Reference image. When ``reference_image`` is `None`, output WCS and grid are computed automatically. """ return self._reference_image @reference_image.setter @abc.abstractmethod def reference_image(self, ref_image): pass @property def computed_sky(self): return self._computed_sky @computed_sky.setter def computed_sky(self, computed_sky): self._computed_sky = copy.deepcopy(computed_sky)
[docs]class Drizzle(Resample): """ """ taskname = 'astrodrizzle' _STEP_STMASK = 'STEP 1: STATIC MASK' _STEP_SKYSUB = 'STEP 2: SKY SUBTRACTION' _STEP_DRZSEP = 'STEP 3: DRIZZLE SEPARATE IMAGES' _STEP_SEPWCS = 'STEP 3a: CUSTOM WCS FOR SEPARATE OUTPUTS' _STEP_MEDIAN = 'STEP 4: CREATE MEDIAN IMAGE' _STEP_BLOTBK = 'STEP 5: BLOT BACK THE MEDIAN IMAGE' _STEP_CRSREJ = 'STEP 6: REMOVE COSMIC RAYS WITH DERIV, DRIZ_CR' _STEP_DRZFIN = 'STEP 7: DRIZZLE FINAL COMBINED IMAGE' _STEP_FINWCS = 'STEP 7a: CUSTOM WCS FOR FINAL OUTPUT' def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(config=config, **kwargs) #self._skyfile_name = None #self._skyfile_fid = None # file ID #self._skyfile_fh = None # file handle self.set_config(config=config, **kwargs) #def __copy__(self): #cls = self.__class__ #new_copy_obj = cls.__new__(cls) #new_copy_obj.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) ## reset temporary skyfile #new_copy_obj._tmp_skyfile_name = None #new_copy_obj._tmp_skyfile_fid = None #new_copy_obj._tmp_skyfile_fh = None #return new_copy_obj #def __deepcopy__(self, memo): #cls = self.__class__ #new_copy_obj = cls.__new__(cls) #memo[id(self)] = new_copy_obj #for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): #setattr(new_copy_obj, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) ## reset temporary skyfile #new_copy_obj._tmp_skyfile_name = None #new_copy_obj._tmp_skyfile_fid = None #new_copy_obj._tmp_skyfile_fh = None #return new_copy_obj
[docs] def set_config_parameters(self, **kwargs): self.set_config(config=self._config, **kwargs)
@property def reference_image(self): cfg = self._config[self._STEP_FINWCS] return cfg['final_refimage'] if cfg['final_wcs'] else None @reference_image.setter def reference_image(self, ref_image): """ Set Reference image. """ if isinstance(ref_image, str): custom_wcs = len(ref_image.strip()) > 0 else: custom_wcs = ref_image is not None self.set_config_parameters( final_wcs=custom_wcs, final_refimage=ref_image, final_rot=None, final_scale=None, final_outnx=None, final_outny=None, final_ra=None, final_dec=None, final_crpix1=None, final_crpix2=None )
[docs] def set_config(self, config=None, **kwargs): # Load any user-specified config if isinstance(config, str): if config == 'defaults': # load "TEAL"-defaults (from ~/.teal/): config = teal.load(self.taskname) else: if not os.path.exists(config): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find configuration file '{}'" .format(config)) config = teal.load(config, strict=False) elif config is None: # load 'astrodrizzle' parameter defaults as described in the docs: config = teal.load(self.taskname, defaults=True) else: config = copy.deepcopy(config) # If called from interactive user-interface, self._config will not be # defined yet, so get defaults using EPAR/TEAL. # # Also insure that the kwargs (user-specified values) are folded in # with a fully populated self._config instance. try: self._config = util.getDefaultConfigObj(self.taskname, config, kwargs, loadOnly=True) self._image_names_from_config() # initialize computed sky values: self._computed_sky = {} for fn, extensions in self._input_file_names.items(): self._computed_sky[fn] = {ext: None for ext in extensions} # If user specifies optional parameter for final_wcs specification # in kwargs, insure that the final_wcs step gets turned on util.applyUserPars_steps(self._config, kwargs, step='3a') util.applyUserPars_steps(self._config, kwargs, step='7a')"USER INPUT PARAMETERS common to all Drizzle Processing " "Steps:") Drizzle._print_cfg(self._config, except ValueError: print("Problem with input parameters. Quitting...", file=sys.stderr)
@staticmethod def _print_key(key, val, lev=0, logfn=print): if isinstance(val, dict): logfn('\n{}{}:'.format(2*lev*' ', key)) for kw, vl in val.items(): Drizzle._print_key(kw, vl, lev+1) return elif isinstance(val, str): logfn("{}{}: '{:s}'".format(2*lev*' ', key, val)) else: logfn("{}{}: {}".format(2*lev*' ', key, val)) @staticmethod def _print_cfg(cfg, logfn): if logfn is None: logfn = print if not cfg: logfn('No parameters were supplied') return keys = cfg.keys() smkeys = [k for k in keys if k.islower() and k[0] != '_'] sectkeys = [k for k in keys if (k.isupper() or k.startswith('STEP ')) and k[0] != '_'] stepkeys = [k for k in sectkeys if k.startswith('STEP ')] sectkeys = [k for k in sectkeys if k not in stepkeys] for k in smkeys + sectkeys + stepkeys: Drizzle._print_key(k, cfg[k], logfn=logfn) logfn('')
[docs] def execute(self): input_list, output, ivmlist, odict = \ processInput.processFilenames(self._config['input']) if output is None or len(input_list) == 0: print( textutil.textbox( 'ERROR:\nNo valid input files found! Please restart the ' 'task and check the value for the "input" parameter.' ), file=sys.stderr ) return stateObj = self._config['STATE OF INPUT FILES'] procSteps = util.ProcSteps() print("AstroDrizzle Version {:s} ({:s}) started at: {:s}\n" .format(_drz_version, _drz_vdate, util._ptime()[0])) util.print_pkg_versions(log=log) filename = self._config.get('runfile', output) try: if self._config.get('verbose', False): util.init_logging(filename, level=util.logging.DEBUG) else: util.init_logging(filename, level=util.logging.INFO) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): pass imgObjList = None try: # Define list of imageObject instances and output WCSObject # instance based on input paramters procSteps.addStep('Initialization') imgObjList, outwcs = processInput.setCommonInput(self._config) self._image_names_from_imobj(imgObjList) # store output names for later use: outnam = outwcs.outputNames if self._config['build']: self._output_sci_data = outnam['outFinal'] + '[SCI,1]' self._output_wht_data = outnam['outFinal'] + '[WHT,1]' self._output_ctx_data = outnam['outFinal'] + '[CTX,1]' else: self._output_sci_data = outnam['outSci'] + '[0]' self._output_wht_data = outnam['outWeight'] + '[0]' self._output_ctx_data = outnam['outContext'] + '[0]' procSteps.endStep('Initialization') if imgObjList is None or not imgObjList: errmsg = "No valid images found for processing!\n" errmsg += "Check log file for full details.\n" errmsg += "Exiting AstroDrizzle now..." print(textutil.textbox(errmsg, width=65)) print(textutil.textbox( 'ERROR:\nAstroDrizzle Version {:s} encountered a problem! ' 'Processing terminated at {:s}.' .format(_drz_version, util._ptime()[0]) ), file=sys.stderr) procSteps.reportTimes() return"USER INPUT PARAMETERS common to all Processing Steps:") util.printParams(self._config, log=log) # Call rest of MD steps... # create static masks for each image staticMask.createStaticMask(imgObjList, self._config, procSteps=procSteps) #subtract the sky sky.subtractSky(imgObjList, self._config, procSteps=procSteps) self._get_computed_sky(imgObjList) #drizzle to separate images adrizzle.drizSeparate(imgObjList, outwcs, self._config, wcsmap=None, procSteps=procSteps) #create the median images from the driz sep images createMedian.createMedian(imgObjList, self._config, procSteps=procSteps) #blot the images back to the original reference frame ablot.runBlot(imgObjList, outwcs, self._config, wcsmap=None, procSteps=procSteps) #look for cosmic rays drizCR.rundrizCR(imgObjList, self._config, procSteps=procSteps) if self._config[self._STEP_CRSREJ]['driz_cr_corr']: self._output_crclean = [im.outputNames['crcorImage'] for im in imgObjList] else: self._output_crclean = None #Make your final drizzled image adrizzle.drizFinal(imgObjList, outwcs, self._config, wcsmap=None, procSteps=procSteps) print('\nAstroDrizzle Version {} is finished processing at {}!\n' .format(_drz_version, util._ptime()[0])) except: print(textutil.textbox( 'ERROR:\nAstroDrizzle Version {:s} encountered a problem! ' 'Processing terminated at {:s}.' .format(_drz_version, util._ptime()[0])), file=sys.stderr) procSteps.reportTimes() if imgObjList is not None: for image in imgObjList: image.close() del imgObjList del outwcs raise finally: util.end_logging(filename) procSteps.reportTimes() if imgObjList is not None: for image in imgObjList: if stateObj['clean']: image.clean() image.close() del imgObjList del outwcs
def _image_names_from_config(self): config = copy.deepcopy(self._config) # Interpret input, read and convert and update input files, then # return list of input filenames and derived output filename asndict, ivmlist, output = processInput.process_input( config['input'], config['output'], updatewcs=False, wcskey=config['wcskey'], **config['STATE OF INPUT FILES'] ) if not asndict: self._input_file_names = collections.OrderedDict() self._input_wcs = None return # convert the filenames from asndict into a list of full filenames files = [fileutil.buildRootname(f) for f in asndict['order']] original_files = asndict['original_file_names'] # interpret MDRIZTAB, if specified, and update config accordingly # This can be done here because MDRIZTAB does not include values # for input, output, or updatewcs. if 'mdriztab' in config and config['mdriztab']: mdriztab_dict = mdzhandler.getMdriztabParameters(files) # Update self._config with values from mpars cfgpars.mergeConfigObj(config, mdriztab_dict) imname = collections.OrderedDict() auto_group = config['group'] is None or config['group'].strip() == '' sky = {} for f in files: image = processInput._getInputImage(f, group=config['group']) if auto_group: extvers = list(range(1, image._numchips + 1)) else: extvers = imname[f] = [(image.scienceExt, i) for i in extvers] image.close() del image self._input_file_names = imname def _image_names_from_imobj(self, imobj): config = self._config imname = collections.OrderedDict() auto_group = config['group'] is None or config['group'].strip() == '' for image in imobj: if auto_group: extvers = list(range(1, image._numchips + 1)) else: extvers = imname[image._filename] = [(image.scienceExt, i) for i in extvers] self._input_file_names = imname def _get_computed_sky(self, imobj): """ Return a dictionary of computed sky values. """ sky = {} config = self._config auto_group = config['group'] is None or config['group'].strip() == '' for image in imobj: sky[image._filename] = {} if auto_group: extvers = list(range(1, image._numchips + 1)) else: extvers = ext = [(image.scienceExt, i) for i in extvers] sky[image._filename] = {e: image[e].computedSky for e in ext} self._computed_sky = sky
[docs] def fast_drop_image(self, drop_file_name): """ Re-calculate resampled image using all input images other than the one specified by ``drop_file_name``. Parameters ---------- drop_file_name : str File name of the image to be dropped from the list of input images when re-calculating the resampled image. """ self.fast_replace_image(drop_file_name=drop_file_name, add_file_name=None)
[docs] def fast_add_image(self, add_file_name): """ Re-calculate resampled image using all input images and adding another image to the list of input images specified by the ``add_file_name`` parameter. Parameters ---------- add_file_name : str File name of the image to be added to the input image list when re-calculating the resampled image. """ self.fast_replace_image(drop_file_name=None, add_file_name=add_file_name)
[docs] def fast_replace_image(self, drop_file_name, add_file_name): """ Re-calculate resampled image using all input images and adding another image to the list of input images specified by the ``add_file_name`` parameter. Parameters ---------- add_file_name : str File name of the image to be added to the input image list when re-calculating the resampled image. """ if add_file_name is None and drop_file_name is None: # nothing to do... return sta = None if add_file_name is None else os.stat(add_file_name) std = None if drop_file_name is None else os.stat(drop_file_name) if sta == std: # Both files are identical. Nothing to do... return fnames = list(self._input_file_names.keys()) modified = True if drop_file_name is not None: dropping = True new_fnames = [f for f in fnames if os.stat(f) != std] if len(new_fnames) == len(fnames): # file not found in input list. Nothing to do (or drop): dropping = False else: fnames = new_fnames if add_file_name is not None: adding = True for f in fnames: if os.stat(f) == sta: # file already in input list. Nothing to do... adding = False break if adding: fnames.append(add_file_name) # update input image list input_files = ','.join(fnames) self._config['input'] = input_files # re-calculate resampled image config = copy.deepcopy(self._config) try: skyfile = config[self._STEP_SKYSUB]['skyfile'] skyfile = '' if skyfile is None else skyfile.strip() if config[self._STEP_SKYSUB]['skysub'] and skyfile == '': tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+t', suffix='.txt', prefix='tmp_skyfile_', dir='./' ) self._create_skyfile(tmpf.file) skyfile = # set sky-related config parameters: self._config[self._STEP_SKYSUB]['skyuser'] = '' self._config[self._STEP_SKYSUB]['skyfile'] = skyfile else: tmpf = None # turn off steps that can be skipped for extra speed: self._config[self._STEP_DRZSEP]['driz_separate'] = False self._config[self._STEP_MEDIAN]['median'] = False self._config[self._STEP_BLOTBK]['blot'] = False self._config[self._STEP_CRSREJ]['driz_cr'] = False self._config[self._STEP_DRZFIN]['driz_combine'] = True # keep the same output image size & WCS: if not self._config[self._STEP_FINWCS]['final_wcs']: self._config[self._STEP_FINWCS]['final_wcs'] = True self._config[self._STEP_FINWCS]['final_refimage'] = self.output_sci self.execute() except: raise finally: # restore config self._config = config # close temporary skyfile: if tmpf is not None: tmpf.close()
def _create_skyfile(self, skyfile): self._image_names_from_config() sky_kwd = 'MDRIZSKY' for fn in self._input_file_names.keys(): extensions = self._input_file_names[fn] with as h: skyvalues = [] for ext in extensions: if sky_kwd in h[ext].header: skyvalues.append(h[ext].header[sky_kwd]) else: raise ValueError( "Missing '{}' value for file '{}'[{:s},{:d}]" .format(sky_kwd, ext[0], ext[1])) line = ( "{:s}\t" + '\t'.join(len(skyvalues) * ['{:.15g}']) + '\n' ).format(fn, *skyvalues) skyfile.write(line) skyfile.truncate() skyfile.flush()