Release Notes

0.1.0 (30-September-2019)

  • Added combine_seg_mask argument to align.align_images() and other functions that allows users to turn off combining segmentation mask with other DQ masks for the cutouts. Practical application of this option is to turn off zeroing of pixels that are outside of the segmentation mask in the blotted cutouts. [#44]

  • Added support for zero-normalized cross-correlation (ZNCC) and normalized cross-correlation (NCC) algorithms. [#42]

  • Allow alignment code to run with without cosmic ray-cleaned images. [#41]

  • Reliability enhancement in handling cases when sky computation is turned off. [#40]

  • Modified the formula for computing RMSE of the fit in image pixels to take into account weights when available. [#39]

0.0.5 (22-February-2019)

  • Added support for weighted fitting. Added parameter 'use_weights' that can be used to enable/disable weighted fitting when input catalogs have a column called 'weight'. [#38]

0.0.4 (03-January-2019)

  • Added support for keeping top/bottom number of sources according to values in a specified catalog’s column. [#37]

  • The direction of the displacement as well as the direction of the fit have been reversed (bug fix). [#36]

  • Instead of reporting XRMS and YRMS (rms of the fit in the tangent plane; i.e., the RMS displacement of the image source positions wrt. reference source positions, now the code will report total RMS FIT_RMS computed as sqrt(XRMS**2+YRMS**2) and IMG_RMS (equivalent of FIT_RMS but computed in input image pixels - hence the problem with this measure for images affected by distortion). [#36]

  • Added a parameter (wcsupdate) that allows a choice of when to update image headers with an aligned WCS: as soon as an image is fit (and then it can be used by next images) or wait until the end of the iteration and update all images at once. [#36]

0.0.3 (27-December-2018)

  • Make sure execute() is called before returning segmentation image data. [#32]

  • Add missing import. [#32]

  • Setup dependency clean-up. [#31]

  • Fix changelog. [#30]

0.0.2 (23-December-2018)

  • Initial fully operational release. [#29]

0.0.1 (10-April-2018)

  • Initial release. [#1]