Source code for subpixal.catalogs

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
A module that manages catalogs and source finding algorithms (i.e.,
``SExtractor`` source finding).

:Author: Mihai Cara (for help, contact `HST Help Desk <>`_)

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import os
import sys
import copy
import subprocess
import abc
import tempfile

import numpy as np
from import ascii as ascii_io
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

from stsci.skypac import parseat

from . utils import py2round, _create_tmp_fits_file

__all__ = ['ImageCatalog', 'SExImageCatalog']

_FWHM2SIGMA = 2 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))

def _is_int(n):
    return (
        (isinstance(n, int) and not isinstance(n, bool)) or
        (isinstance(n, np.generic) and np.issubdtype(n, np.integer))

def _select_high(values, nrows):
    idx = [i for i, _ in sorted(enumerate(values), key=lambda v: v[1])]
    idx = idx[-nrows:] if nrows >= 0 else idx[:-nrows]
    mask = np.zeros(len(values), dtype=np.bool_)
    mask[idx] = True
    return mask

def _select_lower(values, nrows):
    idx = [i for i, _ in sorted(enumerate(values), key=lambda v: v[1])]
    idx = idx[:nrows] if nrows >= 0 else idx[nrows:]
    mask = np.zeros(len(values), dtype=np.bool_)
    mask[idx] = True
    return mask

[docs]class ImageCatalog(abc.ABC): """ A class for finding sources in images and handling catalog data: storing, filtering, and retrieving sources. """ _CMP_MAP = { '>': np.greater, '>=': np.greater_equal, '==': np.equal, '!=': np.not_equal, '<': np.less, '<=': np.less_equal, 'h': _select_high, 'l': _select_lower, } # NOTE: Keep all predefined catalog keys ("catalog type", e.g., # 'SExtractor') in _PREDEF_CATMAP in LOWER CASE! _PREDEF_CATMAP = { 'sextractor': { 'NUMBER':'id', 'X_IMAGE': 'x', 'Y_IMAGE': 'y', 'FLUX_ISO': 'flux', 'FLUXERR_ISO': 'fluxerr', 'A_IMAGE': 'semi-major-a', 'B_IMAGE': 'semi-major-b', 'FWHM_IMAGE': 'fwhm', 'CLASS_STAR': 'stellarity' } } def __init__(self): self._filters = [] self._required_colnames = [ 'id', 'x', 'y', 'flux', 'fluxerr', 'semi-major-a', 'semi-major-b', 'stellarity', 'fwhm' ] self._derived_colnames = ['pos_std', 'weight'] self.set_default_filters() self._image = None self._image_ext = None colnames = self._required_colnames + self._derived_colnames self._catalog = self._empty_catalog() def _empty_catalog(self): colnames = self._required_colnames + self._derived_colnames cat = Table( names=colnames, dtype=[np.int64] + (len(colnames) - 1) * [np.float64] ) return cat
[docs] def set_image(self, image): """ Set image to be used for source finding. Parameters ---------- image: numpy.ndarray, str When setting an image either a `numpy.ndarray` of image data or a string file name is acceptable. Image file name may be followed by an extension specification such as ``'file1.fits[1]'`` or ``'file1.fits[(sci,1)]'`` (by default, the first image-like extension will be used). """ self._image = image self._image_ext = None if isinstance(image, str): files = parseat.parse_cs_line( image, default_ext='*', clobber=False, fnamesOnly=False, doNotOpenDQ=True, im_fmode='readonly', dq_fmode='readonly', msk_fmode='readonly', logfile=None, verbose=False ) if len(files) > 1: for f in files: f.release_all_images() raise ValueError("Only a single file can be specified as " "an image.") # get extension number self._image_ext = files[0].image.hdu.index_of(files[0].fext[0]) files[0].release_all_images()
@property def image_extn(self): """ Get image extension number when the image was set using a string file name. When image was set (in py:meth:`set_image`) using a `numpy.ndarray`, this property is `None`. """ return self._image_ext
[docs] def set_default_filters(self): """ Set default source selection criteria. """ self._filters = [ ('flux', '>', 0), ('fwhm', '>', 0), ('semi-major-a', '>', 0), ('semi-major-b', '>', 0) ]
@property def required_colnames(self): """ Get a list of the minimum column names that are *required* to be present in the raw catalog **after** catalog column name mapping has been applied. """ return self._required_colnames[:] @property def mask_type(self): """ Get mask type: 'coords', 'image', or `None` (mask not set). """ return self._mask_type
[docs] def set_mask(self, mask): """ Get/Set mask used to ignore (mask) "bad" sources from the catalog. Parameters ---------- mask : str, tuple of two 1D lists of int, 2D numpy.ndarray A mask can be provided in several ways: - When ``mask`` is a string, it is assumed to be the name of a simple FITS file contaning a boolean mask indicating "bad" pixels using value `True` (=ignore these pixels) and "good" pixels using value `False` (=no need to mask). - ``mask`` can also be provided directly as a boolean 2D "image" in the form of a boolean `numpy.ndarray`. - Finally, ``mask`` can be a tuple of exactly two lists (or 1D `numpy.ndarray`) containing **integer** coordinates of the "pixels" to be masked as "bad". Any source with coordinates within such a "pixel" will be excluded from the catalog. """ if mask is None: self._mask = None self._mask_type = None return elif isinstance(mask, str): # open file and find image extensions: files = parse_cs_line(mask, default_ext='*', clobber=False, fnamesOnly=False, doNotOpenDQ=True, im_fmode='readonly', dq_fmode='readonly', msk_fmode='readonly', logfile=None, verbose=False) if len(files) > 1: for f in files: f.release_all_images() raise ValueError("Only a single file can be specified as mask") self._mask = np.array(files[0].image.hdu[files[0].fext].data, dtype=np.bool) self._mask_type = 'image' files[0].release_all_images() elif isinstance(mask, tuple): if len(mask) != 2: raise ValueError("When 'mask' is a tuple, it must contain " "two 1D lists of integer coordinates to be " "excluded from the catalog.") x, y = mask x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) if len(x.shape) != 1 or x.shape != y.shape or not _is_int(x[0]) \ or not _is_int(y[0]): raise ValueError("When 'mask' is a tuple, it must contain " "two 1D lists of equal length of integer " "coordinates to be excluded from the " "catalog.") self._mask = np.array([x, y]).T self._mask_type = 'coords' else: mask = np.array(mask) if len(mask.shape) == 2 and mask.shape[1] == 2 and \ np.issubdtype(mask.dtype, np.integer): # we are dealing with a "list" of integer indices: self._mask = mask self._mask_type = 'coords' #nonneg = >= 0, axis=1, dtype=np.bool) #mask = mask[nonneg] #badpix = tuple(np.fliplr(mask.T)) #self._mask = np.ones(np.max(mask, axis=0) + 1, dtype=np.bool) #self._mask[badpix] = False elif len(mask.shape) == 2 and np.issubdtype(mask.dtype, np.bool): # we are dealing with a boolean mask: self._mask = mask self._mask_type = 'image' else: raise ValueError("Unsupported mask type or format.")
[docs] def set_filters(self, fcond): """ Set conditions for *selecting* sources from the raw catalog. Parameters ---------- fcond : tuple, list of tuples Each selection condition must be specified as a tuple of the form ``(colname, cond, value)`` OR ``(colname, nrows)`` where: - ``colname`` is a column name from the raw catalog **after** catalog column name mapping has been applied. Use `rawcat_colnames` to get a list of available column names. - ``cond`` is a **string** representing a selection condition, i.e., a comparison operator. The following operators are suported: ``['>', '>=', '==', '!=', '<', '<=', 'h', 'l']``. The ``'h'`` or ``'l'`` operators are used to select a specific number of rows (specified by the ``value``) that have highest or lowest values in the column specified by ``colname``. Selection of highest/lowest values is performed last, after all other comparison-based filters have been applied. - ``value`` is a numeric value to be used for comparison of column values. When ``cond`` is either ``'h'`` or ``'l'``, this value must be a *positive integer* number of rows to be . Multiple selection conditions can be provided as a list of the condition tuples described above. """ if isinstance(fcond, list): filters = [] for f in fcond[::-1]: key, op, val = f[:3] op = ''.join(op.split()) idxs = self._find_filters(filters, key, op) if idxs is None: filters.insert(0, (key, op, val)) elif isinstance(fcond, tuple): key, op, val = fcond[:3] op = ''.join(op.split()) filters = [(key, op, val)] else: raise TypeError("'fcond' must be a tuple or a list of tuples.") if self._filters != filters: self._filters = filters
[docs] def append_filters(self, fcond): """ Add one or more conditions for *selecting* sources from the raw catalog to already set filters. See :py:meth:`set_filters` for description of parameter ``fcond``. """ if isinstance(fcond, list): for f in fcond: key, op, val = f[:3] op = ''.join(op.split()) flt = (key, op, val) idxs = self._find_filters(self._filters, key, op) if idxs is not None: for i in idxs: del self._filters[i] self._filters.append((key, op, val)) elif isinstance(fcond, tuple): key, op, val = fcond[:3] op = ''.join(op.split()) idxs = self._find_filters(self._filters, key, op) if idxs is not None: for i in idxs: del self._filters[i] self._filters.append((key, op, val)) else: raise TypeError("'fcond' must be a tuple or a list of tuples.")
[docs] def remove_all_filters(self): """ Remove all selection filters. """ self._filters = []
@staticmethod def _find_filters(filters, key, op=None): idxs = [] for i, (k, o, _) in enumerate(filters): if k == key and (op is None or o == op): idxs.append(i) return idxs if idxs else None
[docs] def remove_filter(self, key, op=None): """ Remove a specific filter by column name and, optionally, by comparison operator. Parameters ---------- key : str Column name to which selection criteria (filter) is applied. If more conditions match a column name vale, all of them will be removed. op : str, optional Specifies the comparison operation used in a filter. This allows narrowing down which filters should be removed. """ idxs = self._find_filters(self._filters, key, op) if idxs is None: return for idx in idxs[::-1]: del self._filters[idx]
@property def filters(self): """ Get a list of all active selection filters. """ return self._filters[:] @classmethod def _op2cmp(cls, op): op = ''.join(op.split()) return cls._CMP_MAP[op]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self): """ Find sources in the image. Compute catalog applying masks and selecting only sources that satisfy all set filters. """ pass
[docs] def catalog(self): """ Get catalog (after applying masks and selection filters). """ return self._catalog
[docs] def get_segmentation_image(self): """ Get segmentation image used to identify catalog's sources. """ return None
[docs] def compute_position_std(self, catalog): """ This function is called to compute source position error estimate. This function uses the following simplified estimate: :math:`\sigma_{\mathrm{pos}}=\sigma_{\mathrm{Gaussian}} / \mathrm{SNR}=\mathrm{FWHM}/(2\sqrt{2 \ln 2}\mathrm{SNR})`. Sub-classes can implement more accurate position error computation. Parameters ---------- catalog : astropy.table.Table A table containing `~ImageCatalog.required_colnames` columns. Returns ------- pos_std : numpy.ndarray Position error computed from input catalog data. """ if self._catalog is None: return None pos_std = np.asarray( catalog['fwhm'] / (_FWHM2SIGMA * catalog['flux'] / catalog['fluxerr']) ) return pos_std
[docs] def compute_weights(self, catalog): """ This function is called to compute source weights in a catalog. Currently, all weights are set equal to 1. Sub-classes should implement more meaningful weight computation. Parameters ---------- catalog : astropy.table.Table A table containing `~ImageCatalog.required_colnames` columns. Returns ------- weights : numpy.ndarray Weights computed from input catalog data. """ if self._catalog is None: return None weights = np.ones(len(self._catalog), dtype=np.float) return weights
[docs]class SExImageCatalog(ImageCatalog): """ A catalog class specialized in finding sources using ``SExtractor`` and then loading and processing raw ``SExtractor`` catalogs and its output files. Parameters ---------- image : str A ``FITS`` image file name. sexconfig : str File name of the ``SExtractor`` configuration file to be used for finding sources in the ``image``. max_stellarity : float, None, optional Maximum stellarity for selecting sources from the catalog. When ``max_stellarity`` is `None`, source filtering by 'stellarity' is turned off. sextractor_cmd : str, optional Command to invoke ``SExtractor``. """ def __init__(self, image=None, sexconfig=None, max_stellarity=1.0, sextractor_cmd='sex'): # Check SExtractor command: if not isinstance(sextractor_cmd, str): raise TypeError("SExtractor command must be a string.") sextractor_cmd = sextractor_cmd.strip() if not sextractor_cmd: ValueError("SExtractor command must be a non-empty string.") self._max_stellarity = max_stellarity super().__init__() # self._dirty_image indicates whether SExtractor needs # to be re-run on the image. self._dirty_image = False # self._dirty_filters indicates whether selection criteria # need to be re-applied. self._dirty_filters = False self._sextractor_cmd = sextractor_cmd self._sexconfig = sexconfig self._mask = None self._mask_type = None self._file_name = None self._tmp_file = None self.set_image(image) self._reset_catalogs()
[docs] def set_default_filters(self): """ Sets default filters for selecting sources from the raw catalog. Default selection criteria are: ``flux > 0`` AND ``fwhm > 0`` AND ``semi-major-a > 0`` AND ``semi-major-b > 0`` (AND ``stellarity <= max_stellarity``, if ``max_stellarity`` is not `None`). """ filters = [ ('flux', '>', 0), ('fwhm', '>', 0), ('semi-major-a', '>', 0), ('semi-major-b', '>', 0) ] if self._max_stellarity is not None: filters.append(('stellarity', '<=', self._max_stellarity)) self._dirty_filters = SExImageCatalog._filters_changed( filters, self._filters ) self._filters = filters
@staticmethod def _filters_changed(filter1, filter2): # TODO: implement real comparison of filter rules return True def _reset_catalogs(self): self._sexcat = None self._catalog = self._empty_catalog() self._dirty_image = self._image is not None self._dirty_filters = (self._dirty_image and self._sexconfig is not None) def _set_sex_catalog(self, sexcat): """ Set/replace raw catalog as extracted from SExtractor's output file. Parameters ---------- sexcat : str A ``SExtractor``-generated text file name. """ if isinstance(sexcat, str): sexcat =, guess=False, format='sextractor') else: raise TypeError("Unsupported SExtractor catalog type.") catmap = self._PREDEF_CATMAP['sextractor'] # make sure we have all required columns before we proceed any further: new_col_names = [catmap.get(k, k) for k in sexcat.colnames] if not all(i in new_col_names for i in self._required_colnames): raise ValueError("Input raw catalog does not include all the " "required columns.") self._sexcat = sexcat self._catalog = self._empty_catalog() self._dirty_filters = True for k, v in catmap.items(): if k in sexcat.colnames: self._sexcat.rename_column(k, v) def _find_sources(self): # returns exit status of the child (i.e., 'sex') process # returns None if either image or sexconfig are not set: if (not self._dirty_image or self._image is None or self._sexconfig is None): return None # delete output files: catname = SExImageCatalog._get_catname(self._sexconfig) files = SExImageCatalog._get_checkname(self._sexconfig, None) files = [catname] if files is None else [catname] + files for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) cmd = [self._sextractor_cmd, self._file_name, '-c', self._sexconfig, '-EXT_NUMBER', str(self._image_ext)] # popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # out, err = popen.communicate() return
[docs] def set_image(self, image): """ Set image to be used for source finding. Parameters ---------- image: numpy.ndarray, str When setting an image either a `numpy.ndarray` of image data or a string file name is acceptable. Image file name may be followed by an extension specification such as ``'file1.fits[1]'`` or ``'file1.fits[(sci,1)]'`` (by default, the first image-like extension will be used). """ super().set_image(image) self._reset_catalogs() self._file_name = None if self._tmp_file is not None: self._tmp_file.close() if image is None: self._tmp_file = None return if isinstance(self._image, str): self._file_name = self._image self._tmp_file = None return if not isinstance(self._image, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("'image' must be either a string file name or " "a numpy.ndarray.") # We've got a numpy.ndarray image. We need to create a temporary file # to be used with SExtractor. self._tmp_file = _create_tmp_fits_file( fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(image)]), prefix='tmp_SExImageCatalog_sci_' ) self._file_name = self._image_ext = 0
[docs] def set_mask(self, mask): super().set_mask(mask) self._dirty_filters = True
@property def sexconfig(self): """ Set/Get ``SExtractor`` configuration file. """ return self._sexconfig @sexconfig.setter def sexconfig(self, sexconfig): self._sexconfig = sexconfig self._reset_catalogs() @staticmethod def _get_catname(sexconfig): catname = None with open(sexconfig, mode='r') as f: line = f.readline() while line: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): line = f.readline() continue # retrieve the part before inline comments cfgpar = line.split('#')[0] cfgpar = cfgpar.strip() if len(cfgpar) > 1: parname, parval = cfgpar.split()[:2] if parname.upper().startswith('CATALOG_NAME'): catname = parval.strip() break line = f.readline() if catname is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to retrieve SExtractor catalog name from the " "provided SExtractor configuration file '{:s}'." .format(sexconfig) ) return catname @staticmethod def _get_checkname(sexconfig, check_image_type): """ When ``check_image_type`` is `None` - return a list of all "check image" file names. Otherwise, return a single file name corresponding to the requested check image type. """ segname = None check_types = None check_files = None with open(sexconfig, mode='r') as f: line = f.readline() while line and (check_types is None or check_files is None): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): line = f.readline() continue # retrieve the part before inline comments cfgpar = line.split('#')[0] cfgpar = cfgpar.strip() if len(cfgpar) > 1: parname, parval = cfgpar.split()[:2] if cfgpar.upper().startswith('CHECKIMAGE_TYPE'): check_types = list(map(str.upper, map( str.strip, cfgpar[len('CHECKIMAGE_TYPE'):].split(',') ))) elif cfgpar.upper().startswith('CHECKIMAGE_NAME'): check_files = list(map( str.strip, cfgpar[len('CHECKIMAGE_NAME'):].split(',') )) line = f.readline() if check_types is None or check_files is None: return None if check_image_type is None: return check_files try: idx = check_types.index(check_image_type) except ValueError: return None return check_files[idx]
[docs] def get_segmentation_image(self): """ Get segmentation file name stored in the ``SExtractor``'s configuration file or `None`. """ if self._sexconfig is None: return None self.execute() filename = SExImageCatalog._get_checkname( self._sexconfig, check_image_type='SEGMENTATION' ) if os.path.isfile(filename): return fits.getdata(filename, ext=0) else: return None
@property def catalog(self): """ Get catalog (after applying masks and selection filters). """ self.execute() return self._catalog
[docs] def execute(self): """ Find sources in the image. Compute catalog applying masks and selecting only sources that satisfy all set filters. """ if self._dirty_image: if self._file_name is None: # Unable to run SExtractor: No image set. assert(self._image is None) self._dirty_filters = False return if self._sexconfig is None: # No SExtractor config file set self._dirty_filters = False return self._dirty_filters = True try: retcode = self._find_sources() if retcode is None: return if retcode < 0: print('SExtractor was terminated by signal {:d}' .format(-retcode)) return elif retcode > 0: print('SExtractor returned {:d}'.format(retcode)) return except OSError as e: print('SExtractor execution failed: {}'.format(e)) return self._dirty_image = False self._set_sex_catalog( SExImageCatalog._get_catname(self._sexconfig) ) if not self._dirty_filters: return if self._sexcat is None: # SExtractor catalog has not been set. # Unable to execute source filtering. return # start with the original "raw" catalog: catalog = self._sexcat.copy() # remove sources with masked values: if catalog.masked: mask = np.zeros(len(catalog), dtype=np.bool) for c in catalog.itercols: mask = np.logical_or(mask, c.mask) # create a new catalog having only the "good" data without mask: catalog = catalog.__class__(catalog[np.logical_not(mask)], masked=False) # correct for 'origin': catalog['x'] -= 1 catalog['y'] -= 1 xi = py2round(np.asarray(catalog['x'])).astype( yi = py2round(np.asarray(catalog['y'])).astype( # apply mask: if self._mask is None: mask = np.ones(xi.size, dtype=np.bool) elif self._mask_type == 'coords': mask = np.logical_not( [np.any(np.all(np.equal(self._mask, p), axis=1)) for p in np.array([xi, yi]).T] ) elif self._mask_type == 'image': ymmax, xmmax = self._mask.shape mm = (xi >= 0) & (xi < xmmax) & (yi >= 0) & (yi < ymmax) mask = np.array( [np.logical_not(self._mask[i, j]) if m else False for m, i, j in zip(mm, yi, xi)] ) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected value of '_mask_type'. Contact " "software developer.") # apply filters: for f in self._filters: key, op, val = f[:3] if op in ['h', 'l']: # apply these last: continue if key in catalog.colnames: mask *= self._op2cmp(op)(catalog[key], val) catalog = catalog[mask] xi = xi[mask] yi = yi[mask] # compute "derived" quantities: pos_std = self.compute_position_std(catalog) if pos_std is not None: catalog['pos_std'] = pos_std weights = self.compute_weights(catalog) if weights is not None: catalog['weight'] = weights # apply mask: mask = mask[mask] # apply filters (again) to filter for 'pos_std' and other columns: for f in self._filters: key, op, val = f[:3] if op in ['h', 'l']: # apply these last: continue if key in catalog.colnames: mask *= self._op2cmp(op)(catalog[key], val) # At last, apply top/bottom selection (if any): catalog = catalog[mask] mask = np.ones(len(catalog), dtype=np.bool) for f in self._filters: key, op, val = f[:3] if op not in ['h', 'l']: # skip this as it was already applied continue if key in catalog.colnames: mask *= self._op2cmp(op)(catalog[key], val) self._catalog = catalog[mask] self._dirty_filters = False
[docs] def set_filters(self, fcond): """ Set conditions for *selecting* sources from the raw catalog. Parameters ---------- fcond : tuple, list of tuples Each selection condition must be specified as a tuple of the form ``(colname, cond, value)`` OR ``(colname, nrows)`` where: - ``colname`` is a column name from the raw catalog **after** catalog column name mapping has been applied. Use `rawcat_colnames` to get a list of available column names. - ``cond`` is a **string** representing a selection condition, i.e., a comparison operator. The following operators are suported: ``['>', '>=', '==', '!=', '<', '<=', 'h', 'l']``. The ``'h'`` or ``'l'`` operators are used to select a specific number of rows (specified by the ``value``) that have highest or lowest values in the column specified by ``colname``. Selection of highest/lowest values is performed last, after all other comparison-based filters have been applied. - ``value`` is a numeric value to be used for comparison of column values. When ``cond`` is either ``'h'`` or ``'l'``, this value must be a *positive integer* number of rows to be . Multiple selection conditions can be provided as a list of the condition tuples described above. """ old_filters = self._filters[:] super().set_filters(fcond=fcond) self._dirty_filters = SExImageCatalog._filters_changed( self._filters, old_filters )
[docs] def remove_all_filters(self): """ Remove all selection filters. """ self._dirty_filters = bool(self._filters) self._filters = []
[docs] def append_filters(self, fcond): """ Add one or more conditions for *selecting* sources from the raw catalog to already set filters. See :py:meth:`set_filters` for description of parameter ``fcond``. """ old_filters = self._filters[:] super().append_filters(fcond=fcond) self._dirty_filters = SExImageCatalog._filters_changed( self._filters, old_filters )
[docs] def remove_filter(self, key, op=None): """ """ old_filters = self._filters[:] super().remove_filter(key=key, op=op) self._dirty_filters = SExImageCatalog._filters_changed( self._filters, old_filters )
[docs] def compute_weights(self, catalog): """ This function is called to compute source weights in a catalog. This function estimates weights as :math:`1/\sigma_{\mathrm{pos}}`. Parameters ---------- catalog : astropy.table.Table A table containing `~ImageCatalog.required_colnames` columns. Returns ------- weights : astropy.table.Column Weights computed from input catalog data. """ pos_std = self.compute_position_std(catalog) if pos_std is None: return None weights = 1.0 / pos_std**2 return weights